Hour Stories


The difference an advocate can make.

The Old Bear

At 83 years of age, that’s how Grace loved to refer to herself, and she’d often say, I’m just an “Old Bear” ya know. We all know Gracie adored her teddy bears! She’d even had bear prints tattooed on her wrists.  
 When the pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis hit,  Gracie’s world to come to a screeching halt!  She was desperate for relief, and we were grateful Gracie allowed us to partner with her, and help advocate for her.

It didn’t take long before this advocacy began to pay off.  Her mental health benefited almost immediately, and her physical health was quick to follow!  The detailed communications with her team of medical professionals, allowed them the information they needed to completely change the path of sickness she was on, and put her on a path to wellness.  

This advocacy allowed her to obtain the specialized medications and, the very important funding for those medications, that in turn, paved the way for her to achieve a total and complete turnaround in her health!

Her doctors declared her to be in full remission faster than any of us would have dreamed possible!  

Gracie grabbed hold of her precious pain-free HOURS, weeks, months, and even years,  and on her 85th birthday, she celebrated life by jumping out of an AIRPLANE!!  A tandem sky-diving jump, with 2 of her granddaughters! 

Now that is one inspiring “Old Bear!”

Gracie skydiving at 85 years young!

At Hour House, it’s your time!

  • Time to reclaim your life.

  • Time to reawaken your purpose.

  • Time to live a life of meaning, purpose, and fulfillment, not despite an illness or mental health challenge, but because of it.

Last Christmas was a heartbreaking one, for a mom who reached out to me through our business partner, "Holly's ❤️ Homes",

This mom inquired about a place to stay, over Christmas.  

A short time before Christmas, she lived her worst nightmare, when her son, in his early 20's, had been found in their home, where he had passed away of an opioid overdose.  She couldn't bare the thought of being in that home, with her surviving children, during Christmas. 

Through our partnership, we were able to help place this family in a lovely home for Christmas.  Mom even went out and purchased an angel, which she placed, reverently, in the main living area of the home.  

Their angel was very much present with them, as they shared precious time together, at Hour House.

This mom was so very fragile, and still, in her immense grief, she was incredibly grateful!

This mom now lives with the awareness of how very fragile life is. She wants to make every HOUR count with those loved ones that are so very precious to us!

Hour House is for people who are…

sick and tired of being sick and tired

done with going in circles

ready to take their life back

sick and tired of being sick and tired • done with going in circles • ready to take their life back •

Hour Lil’Princess

We advocated for a 4 year old girl with Leukaemia.  Her treatment days had her in tears, absolutely dreading the time spent in the hospital, and in turn, her mom’s heart would break every single time.

  By working with this family, we determined this little girl absolutely adored Princesses. 

I suggested that the mom, allow this little girl to "be" a princess on her treatment days.  I explained the powerful mind/body connection, and the effective healing properties have long ago been proven. Mom bought her her favourite  Princess costume, Princess Rapunzel, who she discovered was a favourite because of the long blond hair. She’s lost her own hair from the cancer medications.  Dressing up as Princess Rapunzel totally transformed this little girls experience with cancer treatment! 

Dressed as a princess, she stood taller. 

She ran through the doors of the hospital, ready and eager to hear the doctors and nurses call her by her Princess name!  They even put "Princess Rapunzel" onto her hospital wristband each time. 

Mom told me of the immeasurable difference it made, and how her little girl totally transformed each time she slipped that costume on!  Then, mom shared, if only she had more than one costume, it would make things so much simpler.  This sparked another idea, and we suggested she put a post out on social media, asking other moms out there, if they might be able to help out, by  repurposing their child's halloween costume.  If they wanted to help out this little girl, she would love to repurpose their princess or Super Hero costumes, after they were finished with them.

 Over 100 costumes were sent to her, from across Canada, allowing her to be a Princess every single day, as long as her heart desired! 

I’m very happy to report, this, now 5 year old girl, is in total and complete remission!  

And she still loves being a princess!

 Hour House is for those who want answers, and are ready to do what it takes to find them!

At Hour House we know what it takes to face the physical or mental health challenges head on, and we’re here to help you each step of the way.

 Hour House can show you how to find meaning, purpose and fulfillment, not despite your illness, but because of it.

We’ll show you how to maintain your Dignity & Self-Respect, while communicating with your medical team, and help you get from frustrated to focused.

Experience Hour Courage. We’ve been there too. We know the herculean effort some days require, and that’s just getting out of bed! This is a true No judgment Zone!

Hour Gratitude changes everything. This isn’t just “positive thinking,” it’s so much more than that! We’ll show you how! Hour clients aren’t average, Hour clients are READY! Hour clients are EXTRAORDINARY! Reach out, and see if you’re a good fit to be one of Hour everyday heroes!