Gracie’s Story


The “Old Bear”



The “Old Bear”. At 83 years of age, that’s how Grace loved to refer to herself. We all know Gracie adored her teddy bears! She’d even had bear prints tattooed on her wrists.

When the pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis hit, Gracie’s world to come to a screeching halt! She was desperate for relief, and we were grateful Gracie allowed us to partner with her, and help advocate for her.

It didn’t take long before this advocacy began to pay off. Her mental health benefited almost immediately, and her physical health was quick to follow! The detailed communications with her team of medical professionals, allowed them the information they needed to completely change the path of sickness she was on, and put her on a path to wellness.

This allowed her to obtain the specialized medications and, the very important funding for those medications, that in turn, paved the way for her to achieve total and complete turnaround in her health. Her doctors declared her to be in full remission faster than any of us would have dreamed possible!

Gracie grabbed hold of her precious painless HOURS, and on her 85th birthday, she celebrated by jumping out of an AIRPLANE!! A tandem sky-diving jump, with 2 of her granddaughters! 


Who is Hour House?


Tylo’s Story