Tylo’s Story




At only 4 years old, Tylo’s little body had Leukaemia. Her treatment required that she spent long hours at the hospital. These were hard days, and days that had her in tears, dreading the long HOURS spent in the hospital. 

Tylo absolutely adored Princesses! I suggested that Mom allow this little girl to "Be" a princess on her treatment days.  Mom bought her her favourite  Princess costume, Princess Rapunzel, her favourite because of the long blond hair. Tylo was losing her own beautiful hair, from the cancer medications. 

Dressing up as Princess Rapunzel totally transformed this little girls hospital visits!  Dressed as a Princess, she stood taller.  She excitedly ran through the doors of the hospital, ready and eager to hear the doctors and nurses call her by her Princess name!  They even put "Princess Rapunzel" onto her hospital wristband each time.  Mom told me of the difference it made, and how her little girl totally embodied a healthy, vibrant, princess, each time she slipped that costume on!  She truly became a Princess! 

Then, the  mom shared, if only she had more than one costume, it would make things so much simpler.  This sparked another idea. It was fall, and so I suggested she put a post out on social media, and share with other moms out there, her situation. I suggested she ask if anyone  might be interested in repurposing their child's halloween costume, and in turn they would be helping out this little girl, and she would love to receive their slightly worn Princess, or Super Hero Costumes, when they were finished with them.

Over 100 costumes were sent to her, from across Canada, allowing her to be a Princess every single day, as long as her heart desired!  This girl is now in total and full remission!  

And she still loves being a Princess!  


Gracie’s Story


Kristina’s Story